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to the EJ Website! Explore resources, opportunities, and more. 


This site was developed by students in Duke University's Undergraduate Environmental Union (UEU) with feedback and guidance from the Duke Environmental Justice Campus Committee. It is meant to serve as a comprehensive environmental justice resource for students, faculty, and staff at Duke and beyond.  

What is Environmental Justice?

Environmental Justice is... “the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.”-  US EPA 

What is the Environmental Justice Campus Committee?

To ensure that conversations and education around environmental justice issues remains a priority at Duke for years, decades even, to come, we would like to bring together representatives from Duke departments (both environmentally-centered and culturally-centered departments), Duke’s administrative and engagement entities (diversity centers), and environmentally, culturally, and racially-centered student organizations to form a committee on environmental justice. 

The purpose of this committee is to discuss what Duke has done/is doing in this space, what Duke could do better, and ensure that topics of racial and environmental justice are pervasive throughout undergraduate academia and programming as well as with conversations with Durham. 

Environmental Justice Learning & Curriculum Guides

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