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Bringing Duke Environment to Duke Kunshan

Year Initiated: 2020-2021

Duke Kunshan University began it’s bachelor degree program in 2018, but there is still a lack of available environmental programming for undergraduates. Multiple students from DKU have reached out to the UEU about developing a partnership to help support the creation of environmental organizations there. The UEU hopes to offer strategic advice and support to these students so that they can adapt some Duke programs, institute clubs or organizational bodies similar to those at Duke, but also develop and implement environmental programming and opportunities unique to DKU. UEU hopes to act as a resource for support, connections, manpower to better establish the sort of environmental and sustainability infrastructure available on Duke's main campus, at Duke Kunshan.


  • To advise and guide DKU students as they create campus-wide sustainability and environmentally focused bodies on campus, such as an advisory board, an undergraduate union, clubs and student organizations, and more.


  • To connect Nicholas School and DKU faculty to replicate environmental coursework and create more opportunities for DKU undergraduates to engage in environmental academic spaces.



  • Overall, to better connect Duke and DKU students, bridging the gap between the two institutions and taking advantage of the our connections to facilitate large scale environmental literacy and collaboration. 



Duke Undergraduate Environmental Union | For All Things Duke Environment
        Website and original video content designed by Cameron Oglesby
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