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Green and White Roof Initiative

Year Initiated: 2020-2021 | Organization: DSG Services & Sustainability

Introduced by Hana Hendi from DSG’s Services and Sustainability Committee, this initiative seeks to collaborate with student leaders in DCC, UEU, and countless other prominent environmental groups at Duke to get our foot in the door regarding new structures on campus, advocating for green infrastructure that isn’t at the forefront of LEED certification. We plan to focus our proposal on the roofs of new buildings to either incorporate green roofs (to simulate the natural water cycle, fend off heat absorption) or paint the roof of existing buildings white (fend off heat absorption), in case the roof cannot withstand the weight of the green roof’s water. 


We plan to find a faculty mentor to guide us in our initial proposal writing, and eventually send the complete research-backed proposal to Russel Thompson and the Office of Project Management. This proposal will address resources, obstacles, and maintenance requirements to best approach green and white roofs. Before sending it to administration, we hope to present our proposal to UEU and garner student and faculty support for our plan before presenting it to staff mentioned above. Before we get started, we need a dedicated group of students interested in green infrastructure on campus! Commitment for this team will be around 2-3 hours a week, and we hope to complete the proposal by the end of November. Please email Hana ( if you are interested or have any questions!

Duke Undergraduate Environmental Union | For All Things Duke Environment
        Website and original video content designed by Cameron Oglesby
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