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"Eco-Opportunities with Duke Environment" Webinar

Year Project Took Place: 2020-2021


Last year, the UEU led a series of “eco-opportunities” webinars to give students an inside look into environmental programming and sustainable practices both on and off campus. Especially for incoming freshmen, engaging in all Duke has to offer is made difficult with pandemic conditions and virtual programming. To ensure students are aware of everything Duke Environment, from clubs to academics, to action items and the climate action plan, we planned monthly hour long info sessions and Q&As with Duke advocates, officials, and faculty. Check out these recordings below!


Webinars in the series include:

  • July | Duke Environment: Discussing Eco-Opportunities with Student Leaders

  • August | Staying Sustainable during COVID

  • September | A Deep Dive into Environmental Departments

**Contact us at for updates on these webinar sessions**

**All sessions are recorded and posted to YouTube. See previous webinars below.**

Duke Undergraduate Environmental Union | For All Things Duke Environment
        Website and original video content designed by Cameron Oglesby
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